About the webgirl behind this mess

That's me!! Your one and only mermaid webgirl B) Essentially i'm just a teenager that one day found out about HTML and since then has been building up her personal space here on the webs :P
I'm not that special, just your average romance obsessed, never-without-music, english-is-not-my-first-language-i-learned-it-online, daydreamer girl. I also like to keep a journal with drawings and daily recaps. And eat chips 24/7.
What's Moonlit Blossom?
The result of my mind. The essence, existence and purpose of this site revolves around my dumb head and whatever comes in there. It's a place for me to dump everything that i think about, kinda a creative outlet, ya know? Also to fulfill pages with webcomic plots, yes.
If this description wasn't enough for you to get who i am and what's this site, here's some more stuff
My interests
Music: My music taste is a mess and very incoherent, i'm more of a "song" person rather than an "artist" person anyway || Alec Benjamin, Glass Animals, half-alive, Subsonica, Kevin Walkman, Culi., gabby start, re6ce, h3nce, Friday Pilots Club
Misc Media: This includes books, movies, games and anything else i can think about that isn't an object/topic (for that check Misc Stuff)|| "I was born for this" by Alice Oseman (book), Scottecs by Sio (italian cartoonist), the whole To All The Boys trilogy (only read the first book ages ago but i indeed watched the movies multiple times), The Intern (movie w/ Robert de Niro and Anne Hathway), Pride and Prejudice (book + 2005 movie), The Art Of Racing in the Rain (movie), Castle of Nations (unfinished work including UnknownPerson's OCs), Endzone Tournament (OCT), Minesweeper, Style Boutique (game for Nintendo DS, also known as Style Savvy)
Anime + Manga: Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo, Danmachi, Zero no Tsukaima, Ano Natsu de Matteru, Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut, Wistoria: Wand and Sword || Yozakura Quartet, Veil
Misc Stuff: my OCs (but i also love hearing other people's OC lore!!), crystals, fashion (especially 2000s fashion), journaling (i like writing about my day and adding doodles everywhere), HTML AND CSS OBV!!, making playlists even if the songs are always the same, pizza, kinder bueno + kinder bueno icecream flavor, BAGS I LITERALLY LOVE BAGS (especially handbags and I WISH I HAD A VINTAGE JUICY COUTURE BAG), Mary Jane shoes (want a pair so bad), paintings especially ones from the Impressionists like Claude Monet, nature and animals in general, any shade of green, lipglosses especially kiko 3d hydra (i'd buy them all if i had the chance), italian comic actors Ficarra&Picone (I LOVE THEM), old tech items like flip phones and digicams, Pinterest scrolling, Frutiger Metro
Webtoon: i've read SO MANY and i wanted to make a page dedicated to them, either ways my current favourites are: High Class Homos (by Momozerii), Heart Acres (by Collen Coover and EA Denich), The Spectrum of Us (by Sen-chan - this one is deadly underrated), Lady Liar (by Maripaz Villar), Skool of Street (by Slanket). This list might change in no time so here's some more honorable mentions: The Four of Them, Iridescent Soul, Cherry Crush, #Blessed, their coffee shop (absolute fav and again deadly underrated), any other comic by Sen-chan, The Kiss Bet, Love Notes For Me?, Miss Abbott and the Doctor.
Quizzes from the web
(i love these)

#BA55D3 |
Your dominant hues are red and blue. You're confident and like showing people new ideas. You play well with others and can be very influential if you want to be. Your saturation level is medium - You're not the most decisive go-getter, but you can get a job done when it's required of you. You probably don't think the world can change for you and don't want to spend too much effort trying to force it. Your outlook on life is brighter than most people's. You like the idea of influencing things for the better and find hope in situations where others might give up. You're not exactly a bouncy sunshine but things in your world generally look up. |

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The zebra's stripes are known to protect it from blood-sucking insects
Want your own? Visit hekate.neocities.org!Your immortal lover would be...
Wisdom is something mortal men chase all their lives. You have a tendency to be in love with the unattainable, with what is greater than yourself. You are inspired by your lovers, and in some way they change you.

What city are you? Find out @ star-girl.org!

Find out how much of an Internet geek you are @ star-girl.org!

Find out what flavour ice cream you are @ star-girl.org!

What dessert are you? Find out @ star-girl.org!

bratz !
you probably like britney spears, gwen stefani, or both ! you're obsessed with the 2000s, even though you might of been a baby then
want to know what doll franchise you are ? click here !

a sword !
you are passionate and brave ! you probably work alongside your bff, who attacks the enemy head on while you sneak behind them and finish them off
want to know what your magical girl weapon is ? click here !

This weird internet quiz said I'm a pirate!
what's your inner flower?
[c] s u g a r d
e w

Which Hatsune Miku Nendoroid Model Are You?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime
Site history
here u can find older versions of this site!! we're currently on version 4.2 B)

version 1 (started to be decent around september 2022): first ever layout, didnt even know what i was doing but i was proud of it and still am cuz i did it entirely from scratch. only 4 pages up (index, about, blogs and shrine), had the idea of doing 3 miniblogs for different shit then i just understood that those could become shrines and lately, just blog posts

version 2 (from the first days of october 2022 to the first days of december 2022): really proud of this one aswell, i made the layout prettier, recieved a lot of compliments for my site, also liked better how everything was put togheter. started adding more pages, i added the blog and put a toggle hide/show in the blog/diary

version 3 (from december 2022 to july 2023): i liked the way stuff was put togheter, but the fixed elements were laggy and made the website even worse to access from mobile + the site didn't recieve any updates due to school, on one side i'm kinda glad i got rid of it (this is the last time you'll see autoplay music, a yellow background and Comic Sans MS on Moonlit Blossom, the end of a tradition fr)

version 4 (from august 2023 to now): this version took me AGES to get done but it was worth it, it was like fresh air. Background became purple and the font changed to ms ui gothic, but it also gave me a huge burnout so i kept making wips that never ended up being finished and published, oops!
Subversions (minor changes to general layout):
- v4.2 (end of june 2024): index and a few pages were aligned left, change in font (Trebuchet), banner and color, also new blog layout that was published before the change of the index.